Monday, February 4, 2008

Blog Post 2- glass half full

Reading Oedipus Rex sparked a certain curiosity in me about the amount of control that we have over our own lives and destiny. However, reading the story also helped me to walk away with a more resolute mindset when it comes to living a highly moral and ethical life. While I am not sure what the end result of my life may be, I am sure that striving to live it the best way that I can is far from foolishness. We all believe in something or someone, so we will undoubtedly submit ourselves to that thing. To me it is not a question of whether or not I have free will. The only thing that I am concerned with is who I will make the choice to submit to. What higher power will I allow to have authority over my life. Once you can answer that question, I think that you should do everything in your power to live a life pleasing to that person or thing. Personally, I do not subcribe to the idea of the gods raining down havic and disaster over the inhabitants of the earth. I am focused on my personal relationship with the God over my life. I rely on my faith and my beliefs to get me through lifes hardships. Every trial that I am brought through gives me just another reason to continue in my lifestyle. It all comes down to how you view the world and the value that you place on life. Oedipus Rex just helped me to appriciate the fact that all of my good days out-weigh my bad days. It reminded me how blessed that I really am. And while it did raise some questions in my mind about what I have missed out on as a result of my own decisions, it inspired me to do what i know to be right, so that in the future I will be able to recieve all that is in store for me.

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